Feb 08, 2025  
2023 - 2025 Voorhees University Catalog 
2023 - 2025 Voorhees University Catalog


The academic year is divided into fall and spring semesters and a summer session. Students may enter the University at the beginning of either semester or session but freshmen should enter at the beginning of the fall semester. The dates for registration are listed on the academic calendar. The first-time freshman readmits, and transfer students first go to the check-in station at registration, receive academic advisement, and will be issued a permit to register. All other returning students must register via the Tiger Portal. Students with holds will not be able to register unless all obligations have been met and the respective department has removed holds.

Note: Resident students who do not complete the registration process on or before the last day of the late registration period (see subsection will be required to move out of the residence halls within 24 hours and will not be permitted to attend classes. Any charges incurred during the period of residence on campus will be billed to the student.

Late Registration

Students are expected to complete their registration, including the payment of required fees, on the dates listed in the University’s calendar. Students who register within the period set aside for late registration are required to pay an additional fee(s). Students may not be permitted to register after five traditional class days unless the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs (or a designee) grants an individual waiver in writing. Such waivers will be granted only in rare circumstances when the student can present compelling evidence of:

  1. Reasons beyond the student’s control for the delay in registration;
  2. An academic history for the student that promises success despite the already missed classes; and
  3. The opinion of the course instructor(s) that the student could still succeed if diligent.

Add /Drop Period

A student desiring to drop or add a course must do so on or before the end of the Add/Drop period as outlined in the Academic Calendar. Such changes will not be recorded on the student’s permanent record and therefore will not enter into the computation of hours attempted. Students who seek to withdraw from a course after the Add/Drop period must comply with the University Withdrawal from a Course Policy (see subsection

Students attending their first semester at Voorhees who desire to add or drop a course must do so with the assistance of the academic advisor. All other students may add or drop a class on or before the end of the Add/Drop period by following the procedures outlined on the Tiger Portal.

Withdrawal From A Course

Students who withdraw from a course on or before the designated period will receive a “W” (Withdrew without Credit) on their permanent academic record. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the designated time frame to withdraw from a course. Students who withdraw from a course after the designated time frame will be assigned a grade of “WP” (Withdrew when Passing) or “WF” (Withdrew when Failing) on their permanent academic record.

Please note that while withdrawing from a course on or before the designated time frame will have no impact on a student’s GPA, it might have an impact on a student’s ability to continue to receive financial aid. Withdrawal can also potentially adversely impact a student’s Veteran’s Administration (VA) benefits, eligibility to participate in NCAA athletic events, and, for foreign students, immigration status.

Students are therefore encouraged to consult with their academic advisor and, if applicable, the Financial Aid Office or Athletic Department before withdrawing from a course after the Add/Drop period has expired. Students are considered the responsible parties for any/all transactions processed against their academic records.

No Show(S), Administrative Drops And Withdrawals

If a student does not attend class at all during the first two weeks of the academic term, the student will be considered a “No Show.” Due to never attending the course(s) the instructor will submit a No Show form to the Office of the Registrar and Student Records. If a No Show form is submitted on a student’s record, such changes will not be recorded on the student’s permanent record. Similarly, if a student exceeds the number of absences permitted in a course, the instructor will submit an administrative Withdrawal Form to the Office of the Registrar and Student Records. The student will be withdrawn from the course and given a grade of “AD.” If a student exceeds the number of absences allowed in a course after midterm, the instructor will withdraw him or her from the course, and a grade of “WF” (Withdrew when Failing) or “WP” (Withdrew when Passing) will be recorded for the course.

Withdrawal From The University

Students may withdraw from the institution at any time. A student may withdraw from the University by completing an Official Withdrawal Form, calling or emailing the Office of the Registrar, and Student Records. If a student withdraws from the University by the Add/Drop deadline, the student does so without grade assignment on the academic record. However, the student is not absolved of charges incurred. Please see the Tuition Refund Policy for additional information.

If the student withdraws after the Add/Drop deadline but before the withdrawal deadline (please see the current Academic Calendar for specific deadlines), a grade of “W” (Withdrew without Credit) will be assigned to the student’s permanent academic record. If the student withdraws after the deadline to withdraw, the instructor of each course will assign the grade of “WP” (Withdrew when Passing) or “WF” (Withdrew when Failing) which will be placed on the student’s permanent academic record. Additionally, an exit date, based on the last date of class attended will be reported on behalf of the student. This may affect student loan repayment dates.

Leave Of Absence

Students may request a leave of absence from the University, which, when granted, permits students to maintain matriculated status although not in attendance and to resume study without applying for readmission. Students granted a Leave of Absence are not considered to have withdrawn, and, if the student is a Title IV recipient, no return calculation will be required.

Upon the student’s return from the leave, the student will continue to earn the federal student aid previously awarded for the period. Students who wish to leave and do not intend to finish their studies at Voorhees University must officially go through the withdrawal process.

Leave of absence status is ordinarily granted for no more than two semesters. To be official, a Leave of Absence Form must be signed by the student’s advisor, who will explain the consequences of failing to return or withdraw from courses and the Department Chair. The form must include starting and ending dates and the reason for the leave of absence. There must be a reasonable expectation that the student will return from the leave of absence. Leaves of absence will not be approved for students subject to disqualification or dismissal due to academic deficiencies or disciplinary action. Leaves during the academic semester will take effect as of the date signed by the student’s Department Chair.

The form will then be submitted to the Office of the Registrar and Student Records. Grades for students taking leave during a semester follow the appropriate course withdrawal deadlines and procedures. After the leave of absence period ends, the advisor must notify the Registrar to complete the process. If a student does not return at the end of the leave, the student’s withdrawal date will be the first date of the leave. Return of federal funds will then apply as of the first day of the leave. Students on leave may not live in the University residence halls during the term of their leave. Nor may they participate in and/or hold leadership positions in a registered University organization or athletic team.

Course Numbering

The numbering of courses provides information that may be used in scheduling and academic advising. With General Education courses being the only major exception, most courses follow this system, which shows the class level of the course. Courses, which are part of the General Education Requirements, are usually offered each semester.

  • 100 series = Freshman level
  • 200 series = Sophomore level
  • 300 series = Junior level
  • 400 series = Senior level

Student Course Load

  1. Full-time students are expected to carry an academic load of 12 to 18 credit hours each semester. However, to maintain adequate credit hours that reflect progression in classification, students are encouraged to enroll and satisfactorily pass a minimum of 15 semester credit hours per semester. Students who wish to enroll in more than 18 credit hours must receive the approval of the Department Chair, the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Registrar for overload. Students must obtain a Class Load Form from the Office of the Registrar and Student Records to begin the process. An overload beyond 18 credit hours must be paid through the Business Office.
  2. A request for a course overload is considered primarily for students who have earned 60 or more credit hours and have a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher. A request does not mean it will be approved.
  3. Students enrolled less than 12 hours will be considered part-time students.
  4. Students are also advised to follow the sequence of courses as established in the suggested curriculum guides published in the Catalog. A guide is provided for each major in the curriculum.

Repetition Of Courses

Students may only repeat a course in which they previously earned a grade of “D” or “F.” Any such course must be repeated at Voorhees University only. A student is allowed only one “D” in the declared major. Any course may be repeated only once. *Note: Financial Aid (Title IV) will only process for payment of two repeats of each eligible course toward a program for degree completion. All additional repeat courses will be an out of the pocket expense.

Limitation Of Courses Offered

The University reserves the right to cancel a course even though it is listed in the class schedule and the University Catalog. An absolution of student withdrawal is needed under these circumstances. No charge is made to a student for a registration change necessitated by such course cancellation.

Notification of a canceled class will be sent to students at their Voorhees University e-mail address.

Auditing Courses

Auditors of courses are required to follow the same registration procedures as persons taking the courses for credit, and the word “Auditor” must be printed on their registration cards as their classification in the course. Auditors do not receive grades or credits. Participation in-class discussion and written work are permitted at the discretion of the instructor. A fee per credit hour is charged. The status of the Auditor cannot be changed after the course has begun. The University reserves the right to cancel an audit registration if the class size exceeds the space available.

Independent Study

Exposition: Independent study courses may be approved for a student to enroll in a course to satisfy a requirement in a major under the supervision of a full-time faculty member. The student must complete all requirements of the course consistent with the course description as established by the professor.

An independent study course must be a Voorhees University requirement in a major and cannot be a course specially designed for a student to pursue a research topic merely of special interest. Furthermore, an independent study course will not serve to satisfy any General Education requirements.

Preliminary Procedures for the Student

  • To arrange for independent study, the student should first seek the advice of the academic advisor regarding the need for the course and the desired professor.
  • Provided that the advisor agrees, the student should proceed to confer with the professor identified to teach the course and then complete the application process.
  • For enrollment in a course for independent study, the application must be submitted and approved before the end of the Add/Drop period of the fall or spring semester.
  • Upon completion of the application process and approval, the student may enroll in the course for independent study.

Policy Requirements for Independent Study

Application-The student should confer first with their academic advisor before applying for enrollment independent study course.

Upon the positive recommendation of the advisor, the application must be approved by:

  1. the Academic Advisor,
  2. the Professor identified to supervise/teach the course,
  3. the Department Chair, and
  4. the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Student Eligibility and Limitations-Students must be a senior and must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.50. The student, who needs only one course to complete the requirements for graduation, will be eligible for enrollment in the independent study provided that all other requirements for graduation have been met.

Faculty Member-The professor of the independent study must be employed at the University within the academic department that offers the course. The professor is responsible for providing the instruction and facilitating complementary learning resources and activities; supervising any research that may be a component of the course; monitoring the student’s performance and class attendance, and submitting the student’s mid-semester and final grades. If the original faculty member has to discontinue instruction for the course, the department chair will recommend to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs another full-time faculty member within the department to facilitate the remaining duties and responsibilities of the independent study.

Independent Study Course Content-The course content must meet the quality of academic content and experience comparable to all other courses at Voorhees University. Furthermore, the content of the independent study must not be a duplication of other course offerings that may be available to the student during the semester the independent study transpires. Also, the professor may not structure the content of the independent study to focus primarily on the content of a pre-requisite or other course a student may have taken previously.

Syllabus-The professor of the independent study will prepare a syllabus and make it available to the student. The general format and content should be consistent with that of the Voorhees University syllabus. If necessary, the professor may secure a sample syllabus at the department in which the course is offered or from the Office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The syllabus will include the criteria for evaluating course work and determining a final grade for the course.

Scheduling-The student who applies and is approved for independent study is expected to be responsible by complying with the content of the course syllabus determined by the professor.

Contact hours required for Independent are as follow:

  • 15 for 1 semester credit hour course
  • 30 for 2 semester credit hour course
  • 45 for 3 semester credit hour course
  • 60 for 4 semester credit hour course

The student must not attend a class being offered that is the same as the independent study course as a means of using the course as part of the independent study credit. The instructor and the student are advised to utilize the following as a guide for instructional contact hours.

Examinations-The Office of the Registrar and Student Records schedules the mid-semester and final examinations to be administered fall and spring semesters. The professor may schedule other examinations or quizzes as deemed appropriate or necessary.

End-of-Semester Project -A final project (which may be a research or term paper, an oral presentation, and/or some other project) is usually required for most courses at Voorhees University. The student must complete the final project as required by the professor.

Final Grade-The professor will evaluate and grade all work required for the independent study and submit the grade by the scheduled deadline.

Declaration Of Major

Students pursuing a baccalaureate degree are required to declare a major as incoming freshmen. Students must declare a major via the University’s Admittance Application or in the Office of the Registrar and Student Records with the Academic Advising Module Manager or Records staff member. The requirements for each major are published in the catalog. However, students are expected to discuss the requirements with the Advisor or Department Chair.

Change Of Major

Students may change majors by completing the “Change of Major” form. Students can find this form by accessing the Voorhees University website or visiting the Office of the Registrar and Student Records. Students who desire to change majors should do so at least four (4) semesters before their graduation, as failure to do so may delay their graduation plans.

Declaration Of Minors

Students may elect to have a minor even though one is not required for graduation. A minimum of 15 semester hours is required for a minor area of concentration. Minors are recorded on the student’s transcript.

Student Classification

Classification of students is based on the total number of credit hours a student has satisfactorily completed.

  • Freshman 0-29 hrs
  • Sophomore 30-59 hrs
  • Junior 60-89 hrs
  • Senior 90 and above hrs

Class Attendance Policy

Enrollment in a course obligates the student not only for prompt completion of all work assigned but also for punctual and regular attendance. It is the student’s responsibility to be informed concerning all course assignments. Absences, whether excused or unexcused, do not absolve a student from this responsibility.

Unexcused absences for more than the number of times the class is scheduled per week is excessive, and the student will receive a grade of AD, AP, or AF. Absences shall not be recorded against a student until the student is officially registered in the class. The individual instructor may choose to modify the policy as described above. Each instructor’s attendance policy will be published at the beginning of each semester as a part of the course syllabus. It is of particular importance that a student is aware of scheduled University events that will require class absence and plan accordingly.

When a student exceeds the number of absences permitted in a course, the instructor will notify the Coordinator of Retention and Scholarship, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Registrar that the grade of AD, AP, or AF is to be recorded for the student; and the student will be dropped from the course roll. The University issues an official leave of absence to students who represent the University in University-sponsored activities that make it necessary for them to be absent from class. Sponsors of such activities must have prior administrative approval for each anticipated absence of students. The leave of absence does not permit a student to miss more classes than are allowed by the attendance policies of the institution. It merely allows him or her to make up the work missed. When an instructor deems an absence to be excused, the student must, within three days of his/her return to class, make arrangements with the instructor to make up the work missed. If a student thinks that the faculty member’s attendance record is in error or if there are extenuating circumstances that warrant a reconsideration of the instructor’s decision, then an appeal may be made. The student shall first discuss the matter with the instructor in question. If the issue is not resolved, the next level of appeal is the department chair and then the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, and finally the President. The student continues to attend class and complete assignments until the appeal process has been resolved.

Tardiness/Early Departure

Students are expected to attend every class beginning on the first day classes are scheduled each semester and to be punctual. Three (3) cases of tardiness/or early departure will be considered one absence.

Faculty Responsibility

Faculty members are expected to serve as role models for students by coming to all classes on time and by adjourning the class as scheduled. Every faculty member is required to enforce the

University’s Class Attendance Policy in each class and to maintain accurate records of students’ absences. Faculty are required to notify all students of the University’s Class Attendance Policy.

Each faculty member will explain the attendance requirements at the beginning of the semester and include these requirements in the course syllabus issued to students. The faculty will report student absences to the Department Chair and Registrar. These absentee reports will be maintained in the appropriate academic offices and discussed with the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Implementation Procedures For Class Attendance Policy

A listing of students representing the University on official business will generally be distributed to faculty by the appropriate divisional vice president, (e.g. Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs and the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs prior to the scheduled event. The roster is an officially excused absence for each student on the list. Students who obtain legitimate excuses for representing the University on official business will be afforded an opportunity to make up missed work without penalty. Specifically:

  1. Faculty will take attendance each time the class and/or laboratory meet, maintain accurate attendance records on each student and remind students of the class attendance policy periodically.
  2. Once a student has received one less than the maximum number of unexcused absences, faculty will inform and otherwise advise the student of the consequences of further absences and/or tardiness.
  3. Students who continue to be absent from class, that is, to accumulate a total of unexcused absences exceeding the number of class meetings per week, may receive a grade of “F” for the course.
  4. Excused absences will be provided in the case of sickness, death in the immediate family, participation in required school activities, and emergency situations as determined by Health Services personnel, the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, program directors, and heads and/or other appropriate divisional vice presidents. In each of the above instances, proper documentation must be presented. Proper documentation includes a written statement from the appropriate health-care official(s), funeral director, agency representative, etc.
  5. All requests for excused absences must be submitted in a timely fashion. A record of the request must be maintained in the Offices of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, Director of Health Services, and Department Chair within 48 hours of the occasion necessitating the excuse.

Presenting Excuses

The student must present official excuses to the concerned instructor, or to the Dean of Students within five (5) working days of the student’s return to class. The presentation of a timely excuse shall entitle the student to an opportunity to perform all class assignments missed. Following the return to class, the student shall confer with the instructor to make arrangements to execute makeup work.

Standards Governing Excused Absences

  1. Grounds for Issuing Excuses:
    1. Illness of student.
    2. Serious illness or death of a family member of a student. For purposes of this policy, a family member is considered a student’s spouse, child, grandchild, parent, sibling, or spouse’s parent, sibling, or grandparent.
    3. Authorized representation of the University.
    4. Legally required court appearance.
  2. Documentation Required:
    1. Excuses based upon illness require a statement by a physician or the University nurse which spells out the exact times for which an excused absence was needed.
    2. Excuses based upon the death of a family member will require verification of a news account, funeral program, or statement from the funeral director involved. A written statement from a parent, mailed to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, may be used as proof of a family illness.
    3. Excuses, based upon authorized representation of the University, shall be verified by a published schedule or written statement from the President or Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs; depending upon the source of authorization.
    4. Excuses, based upon a legally required court appearance, should be verified by a copy of the document requiring such appearance.

Faculty members must submit a request to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs and/or the Office of the Registrar and Student Records to withdraw a student who has exceeded the allowed absence limit. The student will be notified in writing by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs and will receive a grade of AD, AP, or AF. Absences for official University business shall not be counted against the allowed absences providing the student presents proper documentation to the faculty member.


Students are required to purchase textbooks and other necessary equipment and supplies for each class. If students fail to do so, they can be asked to withdraw from the course or be withdrawn by the appropriate administrative unit (or administrator).


Periodic examinations are administered during the semester and a final examination is given at the end of the semester. The dates for the final examination period are published in the academic calendar. When a conflict between a scheduled final exam and a class occurs, the student should consult the course instructor.